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Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Shopping your own wardrobe

So this weekend coming up ill be sorting out my wardrobe for spring, packing away really heavy winter clothes and I know this is wishful thinking but maybe the weather will heat up.

The month of March I'm on a spending ban and I'm only going to be shopping my wardrobe so thats another reason why I need to sort out the floordrobe.

I think the more you buy just complicates everything even more, so being able to sort everything out is making my heart feel enormous amounts of joy! This is the first outfit I picked from my wardrobe and I've already found so much that I'd forgot about so I'm winning already.

  • Hat - was a bargain of £5 from H&M but heres something similar from Asos
  • Coat - old from Miss guided but here is similar from Topshop
  • Shirt - old from Topshop but here is something similar from Next
  • Shoes - they actually belong my sister but you know the drill by now..heres something similar from Boden

Its amazing what you find when you do a wardrobe cleanse and also when you have a good rummage through what you already own.

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Monday, 6 March 2017

Best of the bloopers

If we cant have a little fun and take the absolute peewee out of ourselves at times when can we? life has gotten so serious and we must take the time to have a little fun, so here are my bloopers from this year so far.

Un edited I must say.. ha ha scary

You know when your Insta husband has had enough and he's like LAST one and you die inside knowing the ones he's already took are absolute rubbish (sorry Mike haha) some very peculiar faces and expressions right there!

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