Sometimes we feel down and it could be absolutely nothing or it could last for days and to snap out of that is the hardest thing possible. Feeling inadequate to your peers? You most certainly can do what they do, I believe that no matter what you want to do you will achieve it, may take longer than your peers but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter, we all have our goals and where we want to end up and what time frame in our heads but sometimes those time frames just disappoint you. Instead of putting a time limit on your goal just put your head down and keep trucking on.
Push your self
I do something every day that makes me feel uncomfortable and it helps beyond belief, it could be as trivial as saying hello to that new neighbour or really just putting your self out there, life is scary but its for living and we all want better don’t we?
How to boost your confidence
Me personally I'm not the most confident but sometimes if you put on a front you actually start to feel confident, mike always says that in situations where I don’t feel confident I talk so much and it comes across like the total opposite.
• Change your environment
• Do something you know you will ace
• Stand tall
Having others in your life to push you when you just want to give in are a god send but not everyone has that support, if you have a day when you lack confidence in your self, take a day or even two and step away from the situation and breathe, then go back to it buzzing and ready to go. The biggest difference I've noticed between successful people and unsuccessful people isn't intelligence or opportunity. It's the belief that they can achieve their goals, its having that passion and drive knowing you can do it. We all deal with vulnerability, uncertainty, and failure. I trust that if we move forward anyway, then we will figure it out.
Nothing will work for you if you don’t believe it yourself!
How do you stay so positive Zoe? I get asked this countless times a day and I never really quite know how to answer it, I get up and dressed almost every single day and you know what? That helps more than you know. As I said above life is for living, yes I have my difficulties but most people do its how you deal with the situation that determines how you will feel afterwords - believe it or not the difficult time you're facing wont last forever, so put on those big enormous, horrendous big girl positive pants YOU got this.