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Monday, 5 March 2018

A virtual Library - Books, Audiobooks and more

Lately, I have noticed a that there is so much more discussion about books and what others are reading. I find that so comforting as I love to get stuck in to a good book and discovering new reads.

What way do you usually read these days? Do you read with a real book, tablet or maybe even listen with audiobooks? I'm more of a real book kind of girl,  but whilst travelling or on the go, I feel that reading or listening to books using my phone or tablets are a god send!. 

So, I have recently discovered the Libraries NI virtual library! They have the best selection I have ever seen, with nearly fifteen thousand books, nearly three thousand audiobooks and over two hundred eMagazines! Now if that’s not choice, I don't know what is! there is absolutely no catch in this, no fees, no sign up charges and no fines.

The eMagazines land the same day as they do in stores, so once you subscribe to an eMagazine it’ll show up in your phone or tablet, ready to read, So if your an avid magazine reader, you don't even have to leave the house to get your hands on it.  There are so many different genres available; interiorsfashion and lifestylefood and cooking and more. 

The app I use to read on my phone is, RB Digital and is so easy to use.

eMagazine covers for women

They even have VOGUE!! 

It’s super easy to register, so you can get access instantly. If you follow this link, it will show you how to sign up and become a member, Both Mike And I love how much there is to offer, we certainly know how to rock and roll, we listen to Harry Potter via audiobook before we go to sleep.

Here are some of the interesting eBooks that I’ve got my eye on:

Monthly Magazines

I now can’t wait to get home so I can get stuck in to reading! Good reading right at the touch of a button.

Let me know your thoughts and your favourite reads?


This post was sponsored by Libraries NI all thoughts and opinions were my own.


Sunday, 21 January 2018

Shop my style

January favourites 

How is it nearing the end of January already? Wow! throughout this month I have been saving all my favourite buys and what I'm lusting after and err well by the looks of it, I have a lot of saving up to do haha!

I think its been the longest month in history, christmas feels like it happened ages ago, I actually was just thinking about that whilst in the car today and it seems crazy it was less than a month ago.

I hope January has treated you well, pay day is just around the corner, YEY! we have nearly made it.

Happy Shopping 
Zoe x


Saturday, 13 January 2018

Five things to not feel guilty about

I find my self apologising for things and then come away from that conversation feeling guilty and I often wondered why I felt that way, something I'm trying to do this year is to not feel guilty about an array of things that don't necessarily concern me.

Making money online 

I've always felt some guilt when I've made money online, its not a massive deal, but somehow I feel that way when I do Ads, I'm judged therefore the guilt comes in and why? I have no idea, is it because others might think I'm a fraud? a total loser, the points are endless, but the fact of the matter is, you do you and try fight off those demons because there is a high possibility that others don't view you that way at all. We are the worst at magnifying our own problems and self punishment is the biggest offender.

Thinking of your self

Suiting your self is ok, never feel bad about saying no! well thats easier said than done. Out of all the points that I've covered I think this is my worst, I try to please everyone and at the end of the day. you CANT! thats when I feel most torn, you think your a bad person, you're the worst in the world and you feel like you have let the whole world down, when in reality you have let one person down and they are probably ok with the situation, but you consider your self the worst and most guilty person EVER! 

 Asking for a friend - any tips on this?

Being Different

I've always felt this guilt and I have no idea why? by now you'd like to think I would of gotten over the fact that I'm different and in a lot of social scenes I will stand out like a sore thumb and I feel guilty about that WHY!!  I feel whilst out without Lucy or Mike I put a lot of burden on people, I have to be fed and given a drink and thats something I feel uncomfortable about as they shouldn't have to do that, Worried about putting people out and the constant guilt of having to ask for help, as a super independent person this KILLS me!
Being online a lot

I think we probably all feel guilty about this one and it’s not even just on our laptop its on our phones, and the constant feeling of FOMO, well I feel it anyway! I would love a few days a week where I just leave my phone at home and to just chill, or the feeling of I haven't put much of my time in to my Instagram and actually really, who cares! we put far too much pressure on our selves to be perfect at everything and at the end of the day none of us are, we all feel the same but hardly any of us talks about it, too ashamed to admit they aren't perfect? I have no idea! what are your views?

Speaking your mind & speaking out

Theres a very fine line between speaking your mind and being a troll, you can get things off your chest without being a total dooche! you don't need to feel guilty about your own voice and your opinions as we all have different views, but we can voice these opinions in away we don't get carried away in the moment and totally piss of said person, we have to respect one and other and that respect I feel has totally dwindled away for most folk. 

What can we learn from this?

 Torturing yourself doesn’t make it all go away, it magnifies it all!



Monday, 8 January 2018

Designer Vs High street

So I've been thinking about doing a series of "designer looks for less" for an absolute age and I've just been putting off but here we are!

I was just scrolling through The Outnet as you do on a Monday evening and seen a silk ruffle blouse and I was like actually hang on a minute I've seen something so similar on the highstreet, lightbulb moment it was Monsoon!

The silk ruffle blouse is Saint Laurent and coming in at a mere £375 and the monsoon version is tiny fraction of the price coming in at £18 in the sale bargain!

I would love you all to challenge me and send me your favourite designer pieces and I'll try my very best to recreate them from the high street.

Heres to finding the best bargain buys and to saving for bigger and better things! 

Shop the post below 



Sunday, 7 January 2018

How I edit my Instagram Photos

Ive been getting a lot of messages lately about what editing tools I use etc and I thought I would just put them all in to a quick blog post and you all can have a read.

What camera do I use

I have used the Olympus pen EPL 7 for just over a year now with the 45mm lens and I adore both, not a professional by any means but loving the journey of learning how to use it properly.


I have two lenses for my camera, the pancake and the 45mm I always seem to reach for the 45, it suits my style so much better, though the pancake is a good all rounder.


Inside settings are so different to outside settings, especially since its been so dark.  Inside my settings are as low as they can nearly get and outside is a mix of both depending on how bright it is etc. 

So for instance inside my aperture is set at F/1.8 and outside it could be as much as F5.8.


If you have fabulous natural lighting already, your job is already half done, today was awful for a decent photo as the sun was so low in the sky, theres a happy medium! not that I'm complaining about the sun, it was heavenly!


Now on to the good stuff, my most used app! I have used lightroom for about 5 months and its become one of my firm favourites, holy grail in fact! I have a couple of presets I differ from but I mainly just use one of them and then edit around that, they add so much depth to your photo, make aspects more vibrant and others more hazy.

I try not to take a photo with a lot of black in its surroundings e.g dark walls, fences etc,   as its so hard to edit and make your photo soft and romantic, I picked up that trick from the fabulous Jayne Lindsay Photography

Thats just my style, you don't have to edit the same way!

In my opinion its 40% your camera/lens and 60% how you edit. It really pays off to put the time in and learn how to do it, I'm not a professional as I stated above but I very much enjoy the whole process.

If you have any questions or want to know more about anything just send me a message.

You can shop all that I talked about below! Thank you so much for reading.


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